Ways to Donate

We are grateful for every donation we receive.

If you are able to support us financially by donating, there are a number of ways you can easily support us. As a small charity, no matter what amount you give, your donation will assist us to improve the mental health of people in our community, especially those on low or zero income or those who cannot afford counselling.
Every £1 you give, goes towards a counselling session for someone struggling with mental

We have signed up with Easy Fundraising an innovative website where you can easily raise money for us every time you shop. Access over
3000 well known retailers to generate a free donation.

This is an easy way to donate and provides a secure way to give to our charity in any amount
you choose.

Donate while you shop and it doesn’t cost you a thing!! Choose The Olive Branch as your chosen charity and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price to us.

You can also simply text the word OLIV14 and an amount of £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070.


All your donations go towards the core costs of our charity. We have 4 part time staff and 48 volunteer (trainee and qualified) counsellors. With support of your generous donations every year we provide 300 new clients the support they need while they are struggling with their mental health.